Sweet Dreams Motel in Far North Queensland
Mr Smith is the owner of Sweet Dreams Motel in Far North Queensland. He owns the property since four years ago and he is not happy with the occupancy in the motel which only 50% year round while the other property can reach to 68% occupancy rate.
Mr Smith believe his property have some strengths especially if we look at locations, large grounds, cheap rate, and room size. But he also aware of some weaknesses issue in the property such as: no television units in the bedroom, less attractive grounds, very little promoting activities and no restaurant services in the premises.
In order to increase the occupancy rate , there is still some positive external factor to consider of such as : the needs to install the entertainment unit in the rooms, opportunity to construct the landscape to become more attractive, and a options to increasing the room rate.
This case study will try to provides an overview to Sweet Dream motel current status in the market, a summary of products, competition and distribution analysis in challenging market opportunities. It will be a brief summary of internal strengths and weaknesses compare to external threats and opportunities for Sweet Dreams motel.
2. Situational Analysis
2.1 Background
This case study is driven by a need understanding of how to make a better of improvements for Sweet Dreams motel in Far North Queensland to achieve a higher occupancy rate and stable growth in the future. In addition of how to increase the performance, this study will also look at internal and external factors that shape in SWOT analysis, market objectives, focussed target market and marketing mix. An explanation of current market analysis and overview of competitor and distribution process. The last part of this study is the a review of how the feedback will be measure to make sure
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