Our tea company launch in behind 2009, Hamilton- based Tea business Zealong is trapping into profitable Asian markets with a exclusive present yummy, and arrogantly New Zealand tea that’s completely noticeable back to the date and places it was selected. To make the world’s purest tea. Zealong grows 100% pure tea.
Marketing Strategies Marketing is all about managing the four P’s
• Product- in the Zealong Tea Estate, Zealong tea grown from unharmed atmosphere with highest ordinary. Zealong is premium tea grown, process, and packaged from a single source in the great air and soils of Waikato, New Zealand. For worldwide food protection principles, Zealong is free of chemical substance. This is special tea. Our extra products …show more content…
We should fix according to customer. Zealong is available in five fine flavors like green, dark, black, aromatic and pure and price $9 per person. Tea is available with different menus and dishes.
• Place- To explore better business opportunities, we need to select the place of entry or trade according to the attributes of the place that the conditions over there will support your business & help you to grow. Our restaurant at Zealong Tea Estate is located in the heart of Zealong Gordon ton Tea Estate, 10 minutes north of Hamilton. Sample our homegrown teas, indulge in house-baked high tea for morning or afternoon tea, and discover our range of light lunch options. To find out our product place we have to do swot analysis our customers and competitors
• Promotion-The Company has exhausted a large amount of time and attempt structure brand awareness. In promotion we do advertisement, visual, electronic by free offer and combo pack. Its autograph tea is a particular …show more content…
Sales Growth The best way to arbitrator your marketing’s success is by measuring its growth in sales earnings. If you begin measure your marketing’s result on sales enlargement. Measuring your sales enlargement is, but, very important to the long-term wellbeing of your business.
2. Leads- The more leads you acquire the extra sales opportunity you have and the more sales opportunities you have the enhanced are your probability of sales development.
3. Lifetime Customer value - What is your consumer value to your trade over the life span of your association.
4. Email Marketing Performance- Your email marketing approach is important for your support to your customer, for your social media approach. Every email advertising process should be judge, analyzed, judge again and again and then analyze.
5 Brand Awareness Metric-Track how people are hearing about your brand on social media and search engines. Create brand awareness through media, newspapers, websites etc.
6. First Visit Metric-Understand how people are finding your website and how engaged they are on their first visit.
Marketing strategies for the brand