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Family Name/Surname Student Registration Number
Krishnasamy 119120404/1
First Name
Rukoomani Ammal
Proposed Dissertation Submission Date SUBJECT AREA Please indicate one area only. Accounting & Finance HRM Information Systems Operations Management Quality Management Other appropriate supervisor can be allocated).
Oct / Nov 2012 Marketing Economics International Business Strategy Management
PROJECT TITLE (This does not need to be the definitive title but you must indicate clearly the area you intend to research so an Strategic Management for SMEs - “Navigating in Turbulent Times” The competitive issues faced by entrepreneurs / managers in the service industry (specifically business consultancy / accounting industry) in Singapore and the strategic management tools they can select to find solutions to overcome issues faced by them.
PROJECT SYNOPSIS (Please provide a 250 word outline of your Management Project to help Subject Group Heads allocate an appropriate supervisor)
In this dissertation, I will be looking at business and technology strategies and how scenarios and roadmaps can help achieve an SME’s goals and also discuss on business and technology scouting to promote a SME’s growth. Will also be touching on how SMEs’ are facing changes in their socio-economic landscape and operating environment. Will discuss how these changes can be far reaching and global at times. Also looking into how most entrepreneurs are being challenged by some of the following questions which is affecting their business operations:1) How do an entrepreneur / manager track and make sense of the changes in order to survive and compete in a turbulent market. 2) How to manage the necessary transformations which are required to ensure continuity / survival? 3) How to grow the organisation and ensure