1. Name selection 10%
How creative and suitable the name of the business is. You have to make sure the operation of the business and the name of the business are synced together.
2. Uniqueness of the business plan 20%
How unique your business plan is compared to what’s already out there in the market
3. Feasibility and profitability of the business plan 35%
How practical your business plan is, what type of market it can serve and how much profit it can generate.
4. Efficient use of capital 15%
How efficiently you use the given capital
5. Keys to success 20%
This assignment should be prepared in Microsoft word, font size-12, font-‘times new roman’ and line spacing-1.5. The length of the assignment body should not exceed 10 pages (The cover page, title page and references will not be counted as a part of the assignment body).