Assignment 2
Semester 1, 2014
This assignment has three questions, and is due by 4.00pm on Thursday
April 17.
It is to be submitted electronically as a .pdf file using the assignment tool on the subject’s LMS page. Marks depend on your tutor being able to understand your statements and arguments, so marks may be deducted for poor presentation or unclear language. Use nothing smaller than 12 point font. If you wish to write your assignment by hand and scan the file into a .pdf format, you may, though any illegible content will not be marked. Note that you can only submit one file, and cannot submit a file larger than around 4 megabytes.
You may work in groups of up to 4 students from the same allocated tutorial. Groups should nominate one student to submit the assignment for the whole group, with each student’s name and student number included in the document. This assignment has a total of 40 marks available and may contribute up to 10% of your final mark in this subject.
1. A manufacturing company is reviewing the salaries of its full-time employees below the executive level at a large plant. The clerical staff is almost entirely female, while a majority of the production workers and technical staff is male. As a result the distributions of salaries for male and female emploees may be quite different. Table
1 gives the counts and percentages of women and men in each salary class. Using this data, calculate means and variances, together with the interquartile range, for each of the two groups of workers. (Indicate how you have obtained these values.)
Using this information, what conclusions can you draw about the relative salary scales of the men and women working for this manufacturer.
(10 marks)
2. Suppose that you are working with survey data where one of the questions asks the gender of the respondent. The answer is coded as a 1 if the respondent is male and a 0 if they are female. So, if there are n