The fortification on Markovi Kuli – Vodno was built somewhere before the middle of the 6th century. Considering the information preserved in Menander, which coincides with the archaeological finds, the first possible date of the destruction of the fortification walls and the triangular tower is the time of the Slavic raid in Hellas in year 578/579. At this point, we should correct previous researchers about that the polygonal tower - bastion isn`t built in the period immediately after this damage to the fortification was done. Firstly follow the reconstruction of the walls and the triangular tower (fortification phase 2), and the bastion was built afterwards (fortification phase 3). This interpretation is based on clearly visible mortar …show more content…
Because of the overall archaeological and historical context, we can clearly state that the polygonal tower - bastion is built at the end of the 6th or beginning of the 7th century. Additional argument to this chronological identification is the small height difference between the original levels around the fortification elements, comparing the period when just the triangular tower was used, and the period after the building of the bastion. Additional argument is found in the lack of a layer of destruction debris between the levels, which undoubtedly should have been found if any chronological gap between the building of the triangular tower and bastion of at least 4-5 centuries. Even if any cleaning of the area around the bastion is made in the Middle Ages, which is indicated by some of the rare finds, it is unnecessary and impossible to perform so discreetly clean-up to the early Byzantine walking level to found the bastion. That is why we suggest that the polygonal tower was built at a time when it was still used the level associated with the first and second phase of Byzantine fortification, or the phase with the triangular tower. Additionally, after the construction of the bastion, western fortification wall was