Good conditions of employment:
M&S has totally understood that it was its people who bring to the company its success. So M&s is very attentive to its employees and try to bring the best conditions of employment as possible.
Thus, the company provides several benefits that cover many stages of people’s lives:
maternity/adoption leave
Taking time out to study
Help to start a career
“Some of the ways in which Marks & Spencer can support you in making the best decisions are as follows.
Flexible working:
Including a range of options: part time working, job sharing, term time working. Career leave: Once you have completed two years’ continuous service, you may be entitled to career leave, which is usually for a maximum of 9 months.
Dependency leave:
The Company offers a combination of both paid and unpaid leave to assist you should you need time off to care for a sick partner, child, parent or other dependent.
Dependency break:
It is possible to take a break in service to cope with a long-term career need. One requirement is that the employee has a minimum of two years continuous service.
Domestic leave entitlements: Reasonable unpaid time off for domestic incidents such as family illness or accident. There is no service qualifying period.
Jury service:
You are entitled to time off and any expenses, including loss of earnings should you be called up for jury service.
Justice of the Peace or school governor: If you are, or intend to become, a Justice of the
Peace or school governor discuss the details and arrangements with your line manager. This may affect your working hours.”
(M&S employee’s Handbook)
Equal opportunities:
We are committed to an active equal opportunity policy, from recruitment and selection, through training and development, appraisal and promotion, right up to retirement.
In its Employee Hanbook,