In 1759 Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette was born. He grew up in a wealthy family. His whole family was born into the military. Lafayette’s father sadly died in the Battle of Minden. Then a couple of years later ,his mom died when he was thirteen years old. All of a sudden he was rich. Then three years later he married Adrienne de Noailles. Noailles was a member of a powerful family in the French court. After, he married Noailles people thought Lafayette was going to be an officer or a nobleman. However, the American Declaration of Independence inspired him to become a soldier in the French Navy and help the United States win the Revolutionary War. Joining the French Navy was his path to success for him. Many of his friends were not allowed to join the patriots fight because their …show more content…
France declared war on Austria. After, a week into the war Lafayette was captured. He was put in jail as a dangerous leader of the French Revolution. Then in 1795 his son was sent to war in the Americas. After their son was sent to the Americas, his wife and two daughters were captured in 1795. Then, Lafayette and his family were released in 1797. So from Lafayette went back home to rest in peace for fifteen years until he was elected into the Chambers of Deputies. Lafayette served in the Chamber of Deputies for fifteen years. In 1830, Lafayette had left the Chamber of deputies and was again head of the National Guard. But four years later he died at the age of 76 in Paris of May 20,