‘Most couples getting married today expect to remain married for the rest of their lives.’ (Bellah, 163) Consequently, over half of all the marriages in the United States end in divorce because most people lack of understanding of what it takes to stay married. I believe that couples should become more aware of the commitment when they enter into marriage. Unfortunately, some couples do not want to face the reality and opt out for divorce “The lazy way of marital problems.” A selfish decision that puts personal happiness ahead of couple integrity. (Kingsolver, 123) Men and women should get to know one another completely before deciding to get married. In his essay “Love and Marriage” Robert Bellah stated “There may be reasons, both practical and romantic, for marrying the person one does, but they are almost afterthoughts. What matters is the growing sense that the relationship is natural, right. One does not so much choose as simply accept what already is.” (Bellah, 164) Love, communication, and acceptance of responsibilities are some important factors for the development of a good marriage. Love is all about giving pleasure to another person without any thought for what we may get back for ourselves. That being said, love is the basis for lasting relationships.
‘Most couples getting married today expect to remain married for the rest of their lives.’ (Bellah, 163) Consequently, over half of all the marriages in the United States end in divorce because most people lack of understanding of what it takes to stay married. I believe that couples should become more aware of the commitment when they enter into marriage. Unfortunately, some couples do not want to face the reality and opt out for divorce “The lazy way of marital problems.” A selfish decision that puts personal happiness ahead of couple integrity. (Kingsolver, 123) Men and women should get to know one another completely before deciding to get married. In his essay “Love and Marriage” Robert Bellah stated “There may be reasons, both practical and romantic, for marrying the person one does, but they are almost afterthoughts. What matters is the growing sense that the relationship is natural, right. One does not so much choose as simply accept what already is.” (Bellah, 164) Love, communication, and acceptance of responsibilities are some important factors for the development of a good marriage. Love is all about giving pleasure to another person without any thought for what we may get back for ourselves. That being said, love is the basis for lasting relationships.