This issue of same sex marriage has been alive for years now, and it is time we finally make a decision. Recently, California passed Proposition 8. This is an amendment to the California constitution which simply states “Only marriage between a man and woman is valid or recognized in California.” It is tragic how these mere fourteen words can negatively impact so many people’s lives. Luckily, a repeal of Proposition 8 may appear on the November 2010 ballot. This means we have the opportunity to undo our mistake of letting this law pass in the first place. I believe we should all support this repeal in any way we can. Regardless of your views of the gay community, it is important you all understand why voting against this repeal is wrong, unconstitutional, and discriminating. This vote is not about politics or religion. This vote is about fairness; it is about people who are of the right age, are in love, who choose to live together, share everything together, and just want to be able to have the same protection that the government grants everyone else.
Our California constitution should guarantee the same freedoms and rights to everyone; no one group should be singled out to be treated differently. In fact, our nation was founded on the principle that all people should be treated equally. Denying gay and lesbian couples the privilege of marriage would be going against this principle.
Supporters of this proposition are worried that repeal on this legislation would affect their religious institutions. However, according to New York State Senator Eric Schneiderman, religious institutions can continue to perform only the ceremonies that follow their beliefs and traditions. Gay people are not asking for marriage equality from the churches,