After marriage the expectations increase and if these expectations are not fulfilled timely or overlooked then it might result into increase in stress and frustration that might result into divorce. Unsatisfied or unhappy couples have seen to have lack of commitment with each other that generally results into having extra marital affairs that is another reason for divorce.
Nearly everyone whom we come across today has been divorced or has some close friends or family members who are divorced.
People whose marriages fail but who did corporate with the differences between one another and separated peacefully are the ones who avoided destructive behaviors after marriage and worked towards giving a better future to their children. At this stage we can introduce another point of collaborative divorce; wherein couples can negotiate with the team of lawyers or financial advisors to reach to a settlement. Even children also can be made to meet psychotherapist who could work for their best interests.
A planned separation that is communicated properly to the children by both the parents increases the acceptance amongst children.
Marriage Problems
The topic that affects everyone directly or indirectly, discussed or not discussed or may be the feelings that