Marriot Corporation: Cost of Capital
Question 1
The cost of capital is computed using Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) technique which is the weighted average of cost of equity and cost of debt of the firm. The cost of debt is the current borrowing rate at the time of the analysis (1988). Marriot calculates its Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). Using the following equation: WACC = (1-corporate tax rate)(Pretax rate of cost of debt)(Market value of debt/ D+E))+ After tax rate of cost of equity(market value of equity/D+E)) Cost of Debt Floating rate debt is considered short-term debt, so the 1 year government interest rate is used to calculate the cost of debt for all divisions and Marriott as a whole. (6.90%). For fixed debt the long term rate would be a better estimate. We could consider the returns on 30 year Government Bonds in April 1988, (8.95%). Floating Debt (40%) - 6,9% Fixed Debt (60%) - 8,95% Total debt = 40%*6,9% + 60%*8,95% = 8,13% Premium above Gov. rates – 1,3% Rd = 8,13% + 1,3% = 9,43% Cost of Equity The cost of equity re, is calculated using the Capital