Year after year this nation continues to change their owns laws, but fall short when fulfilling them. On February 26, 2012 Trayvon Martin was fatally shot and killed by George Zimmerman, but only days after on March 8th the nation became aware of the assaults against Martin. The courts then looked into the case very closely, and came to a conclusion on July 13th, that George Zimmerman was simply not guilty. The verdict took over a year to come to a terrible conclusion that someone who fatally shot another person was not guilty. In another case Dylan Roof shot nine African-Americans in a church, and “[was] placed on watch immediately” (ABC News). With valid and clear evidence Dylan Roof was placed on watch, while on the other hand without clear or any evidence to any crime Trayvon Martin was killed. Trayvon Martin did not receive a chance to be watched over, but Dylan Roof a white person, who was also a known killer did. This is the place the US has come to, a place where a white male who has committed a known crime can be watched over and kept safe, but an African-American who committed an unknown crime is fatally shot. Over time the US has not changed, but evolved into a place with bias judgments and prejudice choices that lead to
Year after year this nation continues to change their owns laws, but fall short when fulfilling them. On February 26, 2012 Trayvon Martin was fatally shot and killed by George Zimmerman, but only days after on March 8th the nation became aware of the assaults against Martin. The courts then looked into the case very closely, and came to a conclusion on July 13th, that George Zimmerman was simply not guilty. The verdict took over a year to come to a terrible conclusion that someone who fatally shot another person was not guilty. In another case Dylan Roof shot nine African-Americans in a church, and “[was] placed on watch immediately” (ABC News). With valid and clear evidence Dylan Roof was placed on watch, while on the other hand without clear or any evidence to any crime Trayvon Martin was killed. Trayvon Martin did not receive a chance to be watched over, but Dylan Roof a white person, who was also a known killer did. This is the place the US has come to, a place where a white male who has committed a known crime can be watched over and kept safe, but an African-American who committed an unknown crime is fatally shot. Over time the US has not changed, but evolved into a place with bias judgments and prejudice choices that lead to