After thoroughly investigating Mary’s files, Helen determines that Mary is having some issues at home that are affecting her performance. Mary is no longer punctual, non-functioning after her extended lunch hours and went from being polite to unpredictably erratic with fellow employees. Helen has verbal given Mary many warnings and has written her up twice, while expressing her concern that she will need to fire Mary if the behavior does not get better.
Helen does not think that Mary should work for the company and would like to terminate. Betty, …show more content…
The company has set up this program to protect both the employee and the company. Helen should try this route as a last effort to help Mary resolve her homestead issues. Helen has already been comfortable enough to write up Mary, so in order to suggest the EAP route Helen should put it in writing to Mary with the assistance of Betty. When putting employees on an EAP the employees often feel attacked and believe that it is the company’s way of protecting themselves. Helen and Betty need to help Mary see that this is for her benefit too. It would be beneficial to have a completely non-biased Human Resources person available to explain what an EAP is to Mary. They way Mary does not feel attacked by her immediate