
Mary Robinson's The Natural Daughter

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In Mary Robinson 's, The Natural Daughter, Martha, an eighteenth century young woman is faced with making choices that run counter to what is considered acceptable for a woman of her day. In a society that demeaned the worth of women and made it virtually impossible to succeed without the protection of a family or husband, Martha overcomes all obstacles while retaining her individuality. Does this make Martha a heroine or is she simply the protagonist in the novel? Whether Robinson intended her character of Martha to stand forth as a hero is impossible to establish with any certainty, and because the characterization of an eighteenth-century hero is dissimilar to modern day notions, to simply examine the textual definitions of each term would …show more content…

Martha 's steadfast resolve in not revealing Fanny 's parentage fuels his suspicions and with the insinuations from Julia regarding physical similarities, and a discussion with Mrs. Grimwood, "She made her report; and he made up his mind, that his wife was the mother of little Fanny," (132), Morley concludes that Martha is the biological mother of the child. Martha heroically refuses to allow her husband 's strict morality or accusation of premarital sexual impropriety to prevail over her sense of loyalty and compassion. It is this very moral fibre and sense of decency that eventually places Martha a position of being outcast from her marriage, "...on entering the garden-gate a letter was presented to Mrs. Morley by Mrs. Grimwood, requesting that she no longer insult the honour of her husband but remain at farmer Oldham 's till her conduct could be explained to his satisfaction." (139). Martha, with no hesitation in remaining loyal to Lady Susan, Fanny 's mother, even in her own defence, stands her ground and Morley forces her from their home. Rather than submit to the indignation of defending a wrongful accusation Martha leaves the Oldham farm to make her own way in the world. Martha refuses to allow the prejudices and suspicions of others to sway her from her convictions and in truly heroic fashion, casts aside the protection of family and enters into a society that is …show more content…

Mistakenly placed in an asylum, Martha discovers that her mother has been interred there as well. Despite having been abandoned and disowned in her own time of need by her mother, Martha feels only joy at being reunited and anguish for her parent 's condition, "supporting her mother 's head upon her bosom, and uttering the language of despair prompted by filial, fond affection," (244). Martha 's capacity for forgiveness is once again shown to be of heroic proportions as her concern is not for herself but for that of her mother who has constantly rejected and scorned her. Even when presented with opportunity for revenge upon Lady Pen Pryor who has often tormented her, Martha attempts no retaliation but simply asserts, "I cannot enter into the modern system of tormenting my own sex" (256). Martha neither submits to the character assassination and ill will that have been brought against her nor does she participate in it, choosing rather to interact with society in a positive manner in her efforts to support herself financially. It is through these experiences that Martha comes to the realization that she can pursue happiness and security independent of a man. This is indeed an admirable and heroic quality for a woman of this

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