Hi, I am Cynthia De la Garza, I am finishing up on classes to graduate in May 2018. College has certainly been a grea It has been a long journey, and I am excited for my new endeavor.. I am pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Development. I have a daughter named Celeste and a new son-in-law Daniel. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, and made me a better person and mother. My daughter and I will graduate from two different Universities a day after each other in May 2018. It is such a blessing to share this experience with her. I’m glad this class was available as an elective, I truly want to get the most out of this class.…
The Sarah Bartmaan video today had some very shocking mistreatment of African Americans. I don’t understand how Europeans could justify their actions of treating another human being like that. Also to know that people still went to see her pickled remains for almost a century after her death showed that it was more than one person that contributed to this. People thought that African Americans were a different species and weren’t even human. We can also see this in our society today. I grew up outside the Bronx, and my school was mainly comprised of African American and Hispanic people. My cousins that lived just outside the city in the suburbs, went schools were the population was 90% white. It is almost like our races still keep us separate…
Breastfeeding is the most importance nutrition a newborn can receive. The benefits of breastfeeding are tremendous. The Surgeon General states, “Breastfeeding protects babies from infections and illnesses that include diarrhea, ear infections and pneumonia, breastfed babies are less likely to develop asthma, children who are breastfed for six months are less likely to become obese, and breastfeeding also reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)” ("Fact sheet," n.d., p. 1).…
Breastfeeding is an optimal approach in providing the nutritional requirements as well as well as providing immunity and positive long-term benefits. Breastfeeding provides the infant with all the necessary nutritional requirements for infants up to six months. For infants greater than six months in an addition with the introduction of solid foods is “an ideal feeding program” (American Dietetic Association, [ADA] 2009). Breastfeeding is lower in the United States than in other countries. One of the reasons is the increase in accessibility of formula. “Breastfeeding rates declined sharply because of the widespread belief that pasteurized cow’s milk eliminated the differences between human and cow’s milk feeding” (Wolf 2003 [as cited in ADA, 2009]). Many organizations are in support and promote breastfeeding for example, Center for Disease Control and Healthy People with goals of increasing the rate of breastfeeding mothers. Multiple benefits result from breastfeeding for both infant and mother. The ADA (2009) list multiple benefits; for example, bonding between mother and infant, essential nutrients, immunity properties, decrease in allergies and other intolerances, decrease in sudden infant death and long term affect of decrease in type 1 and 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity and high cholesterol. There are also positive effects for the mother. For example, low risk in chronic diseases and other physical benefits as well as financial. The benefits are overwhelming for both mother and infant. In regards to benefits to society, according to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (2014), breast-feeding can reduce infant mortality, less medical cost, more productive work force and good for the environment. It is our responsibility to assist and educate new mothers on the benefits by promoting and encouraging short…
The documentary Babies directed by Thomas Balmes was a fascinating way to learn how infants are raised in different environments and traditions. I found the difference of how the father of the baby in Ponijao and Mongolia were not very much involved in the infants lives, it was more just the mother taking care of the babies. One very fascinating concept that stood out to me was the fact that the mother in Mongolia was comfortable about riding a motorcycle while carrying her newborn baby and a toddler. I was surprised and shocked about how lonely the baby in Mongolia was and how the mother wasn’t around most of time, leaving the baby alone to explore on its own with farm animals around. The process of how the babies were showered was intriguing…
Breastfeeding is not only a lifestyle choice but also an important health care choice. Any amount of time that a mother can do it will help both her and the baby. Many benefits of breast milk are noted for mothers, babies, and others. Breast milk has disease-fighting cells called antibodies that help protect infants from germs, illness, and even SIDS. Infant formula cannot match the perfect chemical composition of human milk, specifically the cells, hormones, and antibodies that fight disease. The private practice of lactation consultants has increased over the last decade. According to the CDC (2006), the rates of breastfeeding have slightly increased. Healthy People objectives for breastfeeding in early postpartum period, at six months, and 12 months are 75%, 50%, and 25%, respectively. Healthy People 2010 objectives for exclusive breastfeeding through three and six months of age are 40% and 17%, respectively. National data on exclusive breastfeeding are available only from respondents interviewed after 2005 and thus are not available for children born prior to 2003. The Private Practice of Lactation Consultants (PPLC) will provide care and assistance to any mother who is breastfeeding regardless of financial ability to pay. The need for lactation consultants outside of the hospital settings are need for the long-term care of mothers who choose to breastfeed for longer than the initial newborn period. Problems with breastfeeding tend to appear as the child grows and milk production changes. Many mothers will stop breastfeeding when problems arise because they do not have a specific health care professional to turn to for assistance. Pediatricians need to support mothers during breastfeeding by collaborating with independent lactation consultants…
Breastfeeding is the best nourishment for newborns, infants, and toddlers. The Surgeon General has started an initiative to educate and promote breastfeeding to new mothers and their family support system. Womenshealth.gov states, “the experience of breastfeeding is special for so many reasons – the joyful bonding with your baby, the cost savings, and the health benefits for both mother and baby” ("Benefits," 2014, p. 1). Educating women and their families is the most important outcome in this process.…
Babies' who are breastfed are less likely to get sick. Breastfeeding achieves a nutritional balance that formula cannot. Children need more nutrients in their first stage of life. Babies' are less likely to spit up. Parent's can become frustrated if babies spit up all the time, especially in public. It has been proven that babies who are breastfeed have less ear infections and digestive problems.(Why breastfeeding is important. A federal government website. (September 24, 3013). This is because of all the nutrients babies get in breast milk. It has also been proven that later in life your child is less likely to have diabetes, asthma or allergies. Breast milk helps babies' immune system become healthier. (Why breastfeeding is important. A federal government website.(September 24, 3013) As much as mothers want their child to be healthy and have all the nutrients they can get, it is important that the mother's stay healthy too. In order to stay healthy breastfeeding mother's need to eat well because whatever they eat will also be consumed by their babies. Breastfeeding helps new mothers back down to pre-baby size, due to uterine retraction while breastfeeding.…
In the article “Breastfeeding and Culture”, Dettwyler discussed the three main forces that work together to move women away from the practice of breastfeeding: separation of their productive labor and reproductive labor, increasing confidence to provide chemistry with their partners and decreasing confidence to use the breasts as the reason what they are made for, increasing of the commercials which are convincing the women that breasts are shameful and it is less healthy for the baby. One cultural practice that affects rates of breastfeeding is women going back to work especially in environments that do not promote breastfeeding or support the mother in this way. Another cultural practice that affects rates of breastfeeding is the public…
At one time I came to the same conflict with my son who is only nine months old. I have no one near to me that have breastfed past six months. When that age came about for my son the first question on my family’s mind was “Are you going to wean him now?” My brother-in-law told me “past six months is just pleasure” this statement really boggled my mind. Jen Davis disproves this myth along with many others. "Once a child no longer needs mother 's milk solely for nutritional purposes, there 's no sense in breastfeeding." In truth, a mother 's milk is just as nutritious and continues to provide immunities to a toddler while being a source of comfort.…
Breastfeeding is known to be beneficial both in the long term and short term, to the mother and also to the child and have long been recognized and are widely broadcasted. Breastfeeding was identified as a mean to improve the child’s health and also to reduce health inequalities among mothers and children (United Kingdom Department of Health) (2004). The risks of illnesses in childhood are known to be reduced when a mother choose to breastfeed. Illnesses such as respiratory, diarrheal, atopic, and gastrointestinal are known to be reduced. Recent studies shows that breastfeeding has also a protective…
"Breast is best." A slogan widely known across the nation encouraging mothers to give their infants what the World Health Organization acknowledges as the best start for babies. World Health Organization recommends mothers exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of their infant's life, then introducing solid foods while continuing to breastfeed up to two years of age. Breastfeeding provides a wide array of health benefits for both baby and mother while simultaneously enhancing the bond between mom and her baby. While breastfeeding initiation has been a growing trend as a result of additional support and education being provided in the hospital, many mothers and their babies do not continue breastfeeding for as long as recommended, due in large part to a lack of support once being discharged from the hospital. A mother's support systems once leaving the hospital can play a major role in a mother's attitude toward breastfeeding, which ultimately determines how long the mother child breastfeeding relationship will last.…
Breast-feeding has been shown to be really healthy, not only for the mom but for the baby as well. Breast milk provides the baby with nutrients that are needed to grow. The Department of Health says that breast milk protects the baby against many different things. For example, breast milk protects against allergies, diseases like diabetes and cancer, and against infections. Some up sides of breast feeding for a mom are weight loss. In the article that the Department of…
‘Babies’ is a documentary film which chronicles the first year of life of four babies spanning the globe. Documentarian Thomas Balmès fans out to the grasslands of Namibia, the plains of Mongolia, the high rises of Tokyo and the busy streets of San Francisco in a study of culture, societal structure, geography and tradition, along with parental love and the impact all these elements have on child rearing. In the hunting and gathering society of Namibia and pastoral Mongolia, Balmès follows Ponijao and Bayar and in postindustrial Tokyo and San Francisco we are introduced to Mari and Hattie. While the 1:18 film has no real dialogue, viewers are able to get a distinct feel for each baby’s personality, the role they play within the family structure and perhaps most importantly, the universal undying love the parents display towards their offspring with the ultimate goal to raise happy and healthy children.…
Breastfeeding has been a very wonderful bonding experience for me and my daughter, Ryleigh. When we have had a busy day it’s nice to relax with Ryleigh while she breastfeeds. I love how she smiles and tries to talk while she eats. It’s like she is saying, “Thank you mommy for the good milk.” Other times she slaps my chest, pokes my eyes, and picks my nose while she eats. Then it’s like she’s saying, “How dare you wait 30 minutes in between my feedings.” Breastfeeding can be a very sweet and funny experience. During my pregnancy I didn’t really think about what I was going to feed my baby. My mother breastfed my siblings and I, so breastfeeding my children was the most natural and comfortable option for me. My breastfeeding journey has been…