Our text provides us with the following predisposing factors for developing an eating disorder. Mash & Wolfe (2014) …show more content…
tell us that at an individual level, kids that have a perfectionist personality trait have a correlation with eating disorders. At the familiar level, individual at risk for disordered eating reported more negative views of their families and parents. At a cultural level, sociocultural influences such as mass media conveys the direct relationship between self-worth and physical appearance. All of these creates dissatisfaction with body weight and shape. From there, individuals start implementing maladaptive dieting habits to improve self-worth and control. Finally, Mash & Wolfe (2014) tell us that reaction from others and starvation symptoms can contribute to the continuation of these behaviors.
As an added layer to this dynamic, Individuals within Marginalized groups that dealing with eating disorders have a sense of loneliness.
As illustrated in the Marginalized Voices clip, individuals feel as if they cannot reach out as they do not fit into the stenotic image of what a person with an eating disorder looks like. Thus, we need to consider that individual in marginalized groups are dealing with factors that magnify the dynamics that take place in eating disorders.
I think that the most practical idea that I have absorbed this week came from Danas documentary. There was a segments in which they externalized the disorder and talked about it as a separate entity that talked to the individuals dealing with eating disorder. They mentioned things like the “voice won’t go away”. At times this separate entity can control an individual’s entire childhood. However, thinking about it as a separate entity can give room for the empowerment of an individual in trying to take control of this