All the article summaries included here were prepared by MBA students in Management 413, Cost Accounting. Each article summary includes the name of the student who prepared the summary.
Management Accounting in General
Adler, Paul S. "Time-and-Motion Regained," Harvard Business Review (January-February, 1993), pp. 97-108.
Alonso, Ramon L and Cline W. Frasier "JIT Hits Home: A Case Study in Reducing Management Delays," Sloan Management Review (Summer, 1991), pp. 59-67.
Assmus, Gert and Carsten Wiese, "How to Address the Gray Market Threat using Price Coordination," Sloan Management Review (Spring, 1995), pp. 31-41.
Awasthi, Vidya N ABC's of Activity-Based Accounting , Industrial Management (Jul-Aug 1994) pp.: 8-11, January 29, 1996.
Beaty, Carol A. "Implementing Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: Rules of the Road," Sloan Management Review (Summer, 1992), pp. 49-60.
Böer, Germain, "Making Accounting a Value Added Activity," Management Accounting (August, 1991), pp. 36-41.
______ , "Five Modern Management Accounting Myths," Management Accounting (January, 1994), pp. 22-27.
Brimson, James A., Feature Costing: Beyond ABC, Journal of Cost Management, January/February 1998, pp. 6-12.
Briner, Russell F., Michael D. Akers, James W. Truitt, and James D. Wilson, "Coping with Change at Martin Industries," Management Accounting (July, 1989), pp.45-48.
Burt, David N., "Managing Suppliers Up to Speed," Harvard Business Review (July-August, 1989)m pp. 127-135.
Chalos, Peter, "Costing, Control, and Strategic Analysis in Outsourcing," Journal of Cost Management (Winter, 1995), pp. 31-37.
Clinton, B. Douglas, and Ko-Cheng Hsu, "JIT and the Balanced Scorecard: Linking Manufacturing Control to Management Control, "Management Accounting, September 1997, p 18-24.
Colin Drury, and Mike Tayles, Cost System Design for Enhancing Profitability, Management Accounting, January 1998, pp. 40-42
"Cost Accounting Standards: Myths