Sarah Karina Alvarez
People all over the world are always looking for the easiest way out of losing weight. They don’t want to put in all the hard work for the body’s natural weight loss process, so that’s why people have found ways around it all. They find short cuts to losing weight, but do they really know all the science behind the diet they are using? That is where one person can go wrong. You see I’m the type of person that before i try anything whether its vitamins, weight loss pills, or fad diets. i plan research on it and really learn about the type of diet I’m thinking about doing. The master Cleanse Lemonade diet is the diet I choose to do research on. At first I looked it up and actually thought about trying it. As I started to learn more about it my decision started to change. This regime is fairly easy to follow if you have the will power. What this diet is supposed to do is help get rid of toxins in the body. It uses 3 simple ingredients that are usually found in a common household. You will need lemons, cayenne pepper, and organic maple syrup. The lemons are to help the body detoxify. The maple syrup is mainly used for energy and flavor. Cayenne pepper is helped to boost your metabolism. Weight loss is inevitable in the diet. It also increases your energy, improvement of skin tone and clearer vision. Dietitian Melinda Johnson said “there is no scientific evidence that you need anything like this or any other detox program to cleanse your body or to help you lose weight”. “Lean muscle and fluids are the first to go on starvation diets not belly fat” Johnson says.(2)
This diet guarantees you will lose 20 pounds in 10 days. You are taking laxatives and very little calories so probability is that you will most likely lose water weight and lean muscle mass. You will not lose fat doing this diet just pounds. Because you are putting your body in starvation mode your metabolism may stall .which can because you gaining