recognise integers as positive or negative whole numbers, including zero work out the answer to a calculation given the answer to a related calculation multiply and divide integers, limited to 3-digit by 2-digit calculations multiply and divide decimals, limited to multiplying by a single digit integer, for example 0.6 × 3 or 0.8 ÷ 2 or 0.32 × 5 or limited to multiplying or dividing by a decimal to one significant figure, for example 0.84 × 0.2 or 6.5 ÷ 0.5 interpret a remainder from a division problem recall all positive number complements to 100 recall all multiplication facts to 10 × 10 and use them to derive the corresponding division facts add, subtract, multiply and divide using commutative, associative and distributive laws understand and use inverse operations use brackets and the hierarchy of operations solve problems set in words; for example, formulae given in words understand reciprocal as multiplicative inverse understand that any non-zero number multiplied by its reciprocal is 1 know that zero has no reciprocal because division by zero is undefined perform money calculations, writing answers using the correct notation round numbers to the nearest whole number, 10, 100 or 1000 or million round to one, two or three decimal places round to one significant figure Round to a given number of significant figures or decimal places Round to a suitable degree of accuracy write in ascending order positive or negative numbers given as fractions, including improper fractions, decimals or integers…