Hamsa Venkat 1 Mellony Graven 2 Erna Lampen 1 Patricia Nalube 1 1 Marang Centre for Mathematics and Science Education, Wits University hamsa.venkatakrishnan@wits.ac.za; christine.lampen@wits.ac.za; patricia.nalube@wits.ac.za
2 Rhodes University
m.graven@ru.ac.za In this paper we consider the ways in which the Mathematical Literacy (ML) assessment taxonomy provides spaces for the problem solving and reasoning identified as critical to mathematical literacy competence. We do this through an analysis of the taxonomy structure within which Mathematical Literacy competences are assessed. We argue that shortcomings in this structure in relation to the support and development of reasoning and problem solving feed through into the kinds of questions that are asked within the assessment of Mathematical Literacy. Some of these shortcomings are exemplified through the questions that appeared in the 2008 Mathematical Literacy examinations. We conclude the paper with a brief discussion of the implications of this taxonomy structure for the development of the reasoning and problem‐solving competences that align with curricular aims. This paper refers to the assessment taxonomy in the Mathematical Literacy Curriculum Statement (Deparment of Education (DOE), 2007).
Mathematical Literacy was introduced as a new subject in the post-compulsory Further Education and Training (FET) curriculum in 2006. Its introduction made a mathematically-oriented subject – either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy – compulsory for all FET learners. The curriculum statement for Mathematical Literacy defines the subject in the following terms: Mathematical Literacy provides learners with an awareness and understanding of the role that mathematics plays in the modern world.
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