Task Summary:In the days and weeks that followed the rescue attempt at the Mt Crosby Valley Mine, the Managers of the Mine requested an inquiry be conducted into their actions. This inquiry has been requested in an effort to stop rumours that the mine managers acted in an inappropraiate manner; caring only about the cost of the resuce, not the lives of the men they were responsible for. This report will investigate this claim using all the evidence supplied, and provide feedback to the mine, as well as recommendations on how to handle any future salvage operations.
TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Task Summary: PAGEREF _Toc262109788 \h 2
1.0 Introduction:3
2.0 Investigation Method:4
3.0 Initial Findings & Results: 5
3.1 The position of the men at the time of the collapse.5
3.2The time until inundation of the Safety Pit.5
3.3The rescue plan initiated.5
3.4Cost of the Rescue.5
4.0 Conclusion: 6
4.1 Rescue Option One (refer to appropriate Appendix)6
4.2Rescue Option Two (refer to appropriate Appendix)6
4.3Rescue Option Three (refer to appropriate Appendix) PAGEREF _Toc262109802 \h 7
4.4Rescue Option Four (refer to appropriate Appendix)7
4.5Discussion of Alternative Rescue Options. 8
5.0 Reccomendations: 9
5.1Added Safety Measures 9
1.0 Introduction:The Mt. Crosby mineshaft team led by Mr. Andy Abbott has tendered a request to report on the collapse of mine shaft 6, trapping 2 safety workers. The purpose of this report is to stop the inappropriate rumors that the mine management team acted in an unacceptable manner by caring only about the cost of the rescue and not the lives of the men they were responsible for. The rescue mission conducted will be evaluated as will various other rescue