funds, just over five dollars. Certainly, she could still purchase a pair of shoes for Janie, percale for her sons, and fabric to make a gown for Mag. Mrs. Sommers inserted the funds back into her purse; while walking towards a shoe shop. Unquestionably, she purchased a pair of brown boots for Janie; in addition to that she also purchased the percale and fabric. The day was coming to a close, Mrs. Sommers realized that even through at first she bought herself gifts; she is not a bad mother. If this were to ever happen again would she follow the same path as today? That was a question she couldn’t answer. Mrs. Sommers signaled for a taxicab and before long it pulled up beside her. She interred it, and smiled, the taxi drove away along with Mrs.Sommers ratification.
funds, just over five dollars. Certainly, she could still purchase a pair of shoes for Janie, percale for her sons, and fabric to make a gown for Mag. Mrs. Sommers inserted the funds back into her purse; while walking towards a shoe shop. Unquestionably, she purchased a pair of brown boots for Janie; in addition to that she also purchased the percale and fabric. The day was coming to a close, Mrs. Sommers realized that even through at first she bought herself gifts; she is not a bad mother. If this were to ever happen again would she follow the same path as today? That was a question she couldn’t answer. Mrs. Sommers signaled for a taxicab and before long it pulled up beside her. She interred it, and smiled, the taxi drove away along with Mrs.Sommers ratification.