This paper provides the necessary information to properly organize and format term papers as required in this course taught by your professor. The student should closely follow this format when submitting papers. Failure to follow this format when required will result in significant loss of points.
In addition, specific information is provided regarding the importance of maintaining academic honesty as well as guidance for properly citing research materials. This paper uses the American Psychological Associations (APA) format for citations. All submitted papers to this professor should use the APA format for of citations to avoid loss of points. Guidance on the proper use of the APA style can be found later in this sample paper.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty can be reduced to some very basic principles. Lipson (2004) provides three fundamental principles:
• if you say you did the work, it is really your work,
• if you relied on someone else’s work, give them proper credit,
• when you present research materials, do it truthfully, completely, and without bias
In a more general sense, honesty is about taking responsibility for your actions. In the academic and business worlds, there is little that is done that does not rely on the prior work of others. Truly unique research or idea creation is extremely rare. It is important then to recognize the sources of the ideas, facts, and other research material that provides the basis for our work. Deciding exactly
Citations: Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell (2008) provide a number of timely examples where business ethics are at issue. Using current events, they are able to highlight the importance of maintaining a high level of ethical behavior in business today.