Milagros Bosse
Eng. /147
September 1, 2014
Ann Wehrman
When writing at the college level there are expectations for a student according to their Degree and Course number. In this class Eng147 falls under the Undergraduate degree with course numbers between 100-299. The expectations for the style are of a title page which is to contain paper title, student name, course, due date, and faculty name. The next style expectation is the format. A paper must be double-spaced, 12-point font size, 1” margins on the top, bottom, left and right, and should be in Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font. The format may contain errors. The next style would be the heading. It must use one heading level. Then there is in-text citations. Paraphrased, quoted, or summarized source material, is documented with in-text citations. Then last style expectation is a reference page. This page should include all sources cited within the text. A reference page is to be on the top of a new page and located after the body of the paper.
When writing I would use the Center for Writing Excellence and the University Library. The Center for Writing Excellence is a great place to get your paper checked for Plagiarism, get live assistance and step-by-step grammar review. This is an excellent place to get help and to also go to when needing to be refreshed on some rules by reading the guides that are provided. The University library is also a great place to visit. It provides you with information that can be used for your papers.