Paper/Page Layout All papers should be clearly written and word-processed using plain white 8.5” x 11” paper size with 1” margins on all sides. Avoid the use of frilly font types that are hard to read - Times Roman or Arial are preferred. Font size should be uniform through out and be in the range 10-12pt. Larger fonts may be used on the title page (see example). Text should generally be double spaced; however, single spacing may be used for: figure and table entries and captions, and reference, computer code or data listings. Pages should be numbered consecutively starting after the title page. General Content - Title Page (indicating title, student name, paper purpose, course number and name, professor name, date – see example on page 4) - Table of Contents - Introduction (provide background, literature review, paper purpose and contents, etc.) - Various Internal Sections (logically divided and ordered to present the study) - Summary and Conclusions - List of References (either numbered in order of appearance in text or alphabetical order by last name; see referencing section) - Appendix (optional for additional material that is of minor importance; e.g. data, computer code or parts listings, extra figures and/or tables, etc. ) Figures and Tables can either be embedded in the text immediately after they are first referenced or placed together at the paper’s end after the references. Figures All figures should be clearly readable and scaled properly to match the font size used in the text. Electronic copying or custom generation (Word Graphics, MATLAB, Excel, etc.) should allow easy manipulation of figures to accomplish proper location and sizing. Figures must include a caption (usually placed below the graphic) that contains the figure number followed by a brief description of what is shown. All figures must be explicitly discussed in the text by referencing the appropriate figure number. For papers of
Paper/Page Layout All papers should be clearly written and word-processed using plain white 8.5” x 11” paper size with 1” margins on all sides. Avoid the use of frilly font types that are hard to read - Times Roman or Arial are preferred. Font size should be uniform through out and be in the range 10-12pt. Larger fonts may be used on the title page (see example). Text should generally be double spaced; however, single spacing may be used for: figure and table entries and captions, and reference, computer code or data listings. Pages should be numbered consecutively starting after the title page. General Content - Title Page (indicating title, student name, paper purpose, course number and name, professor name, date – see example on page 4) - Table of Contents - Introduction (provide background, literature review, paper purpose and contents, etc.) - Various Internal Sections (logically divided and ordered to present the study) - Summary and Conclusions - List of References (either numbered in order of appearance in text or alphabetical order by last name; see referencing section) - Appendix (optional for additional material that is of minor importance; e.g. data, computer code or parts listings, extra figures and/or tables, etc. ) Figures and Tables can either be embedded in the text immediately after they are first referenced or placed together at the paper’s end after the references. Figures All figures should be clearly readable and scaled properly to match the font size used in the text. Electronic copying or custom generation (Word Graphics, MATLAB, Excel, etc.) should allow easy manipulation of figures to accomplish proper location and sizing. Figures must include a caption (usually placed below the graphic) that contains the figure number followed by a brief description of what is shown. All figures must be explicitly discussed in the text by referencing the appropriate figure number. For papers of