_______(5) Outline: Follows example outline. Thesis is clearly at the top, Roman Numerals, then Capital Letters. Subheadings are Indented. Matches structure and topics of paper. All ideas are in full sentences.
_______(5) Research Paper: Double Spaced, 12 font, Heading & Page # in Upper Right Corner of each page, Name, Date, Period in Upper Left Corner of first page. Organization: Clear Thesis Statement & Hook in Introduction: Thesis in introduction and conclusion. Thesis is a statement, not a question. Essay does not announce, “I am going to write about….”hook, body paragraphs, topic sentences, evidence, commentary, conclusion with
thesis and something profound at end. Important details included such as title, author, dates, etc. Essay has clear structure. Correct Quote Setup. Mechanics/Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation/Vocabulary/Sentence Structure: Italics for book titles or large pieces, “quotations” around short pieces. Avoids repetition. Avoids abbreviations, using more formal writing. Feels like final draft, not a rough draft. Had at least one person proofread/ edit/revise paper beforehand.
_______(15) MLA Sourcing In Paper: Uses MLA sourcing in the paper. Word in parentheses is the first word in the bibliography source. All Borrowed information sourced correctly. Avoids plagiarism. “When In Doubt, Source it,” advice obviously followed throughout paper.
_______ (15) Bibliography: Organized in Alphabetical order, not numbered. Has Title at top. Includes at least 10 sources. First line sticks out, all others indented. Big titles are in Italics, small titles are in “Quotation” Marks.
_______/40 TOTAL