Holden and Max show a lot of it. Holden lives a rebellious life drinking, smoking, and living by himself and not giving a roach’s bottom about anything. Max is a rebel in a different way. Yes, going after an older woman is sort of a sign of rebellion, but Max is more rebellious in a different way. Max is focused on many extra curricular activities rebelling in a studious way. He gets kicked out of school for not having enough curricular classes. This is a definite sign of rebellion. While
Holden is messing up his life in a phase of rebellion, Max is expressing himself differently.
Rushmore and Catcher in the Rye are two similar yet very different movies. I do have to say Miss Cross is very similar to Mr. Antolini in Catcher in the Rye. Miss Cross treats Max almost as a Mom. She is caring and understanding, but still able to be serious and tell him sternly about why things work out. Mr. Antolini is sort of the same. When Holden sleeps over there they have a talk about life and it comes out the same way Miss Cross says it.
Finally, Holden vs Max. Who is more of an authentic, relatable teenager? Max. Max is a more authentic, relatable teenager. When boys are on the journey of turning into men, the opposing gender seems to become a main part in the long adventure. Max is obviously on this journey due to his blatant cringe worthy pickup tactics and lines. In the end though, Max is the winner in the battle of authenticity