Vermicomposting: Recycling Wastes into Valuable Organic Fertilizer
Nagavallemma KP, Wani SP, Stephane Lacroix, Padmaja VV, Vineela C, Babu Rao M and Sahrawat KL. 2004. Vermicomposting: Recycling wastes into valuable organic fertilizer. Global Theme on Agrecosystems Report no. 8. Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 20 pp.
SAT eJournal |
August 2006 | Volume 2 | Issue 1
An Open Access Journal published by ICRISAT ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Environmental degradation is a major threat confronting the world, and the rampant use of chemical fertilizers contributes largely to the deterioration of the environment through depletion of fossil fuels, generation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and contamination of water resources. It leads to loss of soil fertility due to imbalanced use of fertilizers that has adversely impacted agricultural productivity and causes soil degradation. Now there is a growing realization that the adoption of ecological and sustainable farming practices can only reverse the declining trend in the global productivity and environment protection (Aveyard 1988, Wani and Lee 1992, Wani et al. 1995). On one hand tropical soils are deficient in all necessary plant nutrients and on the other hand large quantities of such nutrients contained in domestic wastes and agricultural byproducts are wasted. It is estimated that in cities and rural areas of India nearly 700 million t organic waste is generated annually which is either burned or land filled (Bhiday 1994). Such large quantities of organic wastes generated also pose a problem for safe disposal. Most of these organic residues are burned currently or used as land