Accounting for management MBA - 1st SEMESTER(2096)
1)section -A is compulsory(2 marks each)
2) attempt any 9 questions from section -B(5 marks each)
Section -A
1. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Differentiate between Book-keeping and AcCounting.
(ii) Explain dual aspect concept.
(iii) What is Accounting process?
(iv) What is an Adjustment entry of prepaid expenses?
(v) Mention two uses of Trend Analysis .
(vi) What is meant of Funds from operations?
(vii) What is meant by Financing Activities?
(viiI) How Debt Equity Ratio is calculated?
(ix) How cost is classified on the basis of elements?
(x) Why profit volume Ratio is calculated?
(xi) What is meant by Gang composition variance?
(xii) Explain profit centre and cost centre.
(xiii) What is current cost Accounting?
(xiv) Explain the concept of kaizen costing.
(xv) Write two main objectives of Human Resource Accounting.
2.Explain various steps involved in Activity based costing.
3. What is social Accounting? Explain few techniques of social Accounting . ./
4.Explain Zero Base Budgeting. Also mention its advantages.
5.What is variance Analysis? How material variances are calculated? 6.From the following data, compute Breakeven sales and margin of safety: ,
Sales Rs.I0,0000
Fixed cost Rs.3,OO,OOO Profit Rs 2,00,000
7.How Cost data is useful in managerial decision making process?
8. What is meant by cash flow statement?how it is prepared?
9. Opening stock Rs.58,000; Excess of the closing stock over opening stock.Rs.4000,sales Rs.6,40,000 Gross profit @25% on sales. Calculate stock turn over
Ratio. .
10.In Modern world Describe the role of an Accountant in an organisation
11. Explain various Accounting concepts and conventions.
12.How Financial statements are prepared? What are its purpose?
13.The standarad material required to