The McDonalds Corporation has to be continually aware of its consumer behavior, their eating habits, as well as the situation and the trends in the market in order to understand if there is a need of any changes in their marketing strategy. Any important modifications in the marketing activities of the company have to be backed up by legitimate research. The introduction of new products, decisions on whether to invest more in certain channels of distribution, change of features of the product, advertising or pricing strategies have to be backed up by evidence based on the results of continuous marketing research. In the case of a big corporation like McDonald’s, the marketing research reports should answer lots of consumer behavioral questions in order to distinguish patterns and identify trends and directions of its operations. Therefore, the company is in need of a marketing research design that will continuously supply the corporation with necessary information regarding important marketing related questions that help understand consumer behavior; and that identifies trends that might suggest changes in the marketing strategies. Also, the marketing research report will determine the amount of investment and effort required for research and development activities, crucial for modern companies.
Research Questions:
Q1. What is the psychographic and demographic profile of the costumers of McDonald’s restaurants?
Q2. What is the overall public opinion about McDonald’s restaurants?
Q3. How satisfied are the costumers with McDonald’s product?
Q4. How satisfied are the consumers with McDonald’s prices?
Q5. What are the most popular combinations of McDonald’s products?
Q6. What are the most and the list successful products among specific segments?
Q7. How do eating behaviors differ among the customer segments?
Q8. Which locations within specific geographic areas are the most and list popular among McDonald’s customers?