Now, about the animals; the chain uses outdated killing methods on its animals. In the slaughterhouses of the McDonalds suppliers, birds are dumped out of their transport crates and hung upside down in metal shackles; workers then have the opportunity to abuse the live birds, and the birds have their throats cut whilst they are still conscious. To finish the process, many are dipped into tanks of boiling water while they are still alive and able to feel pain.
Now, how the chicken nuggets are made: (show picture) * This pink sludge is made through a cheap process that smooth’s out bone remnants after de-boning. * This results in excessive bacteria; this is fixed by washing the meat in ammonia. * To cover up that “delicious” ammonia flavour, the meat is then re-flavoured artificially and dyed to resemble meat. Lovely.
Now this next section is all about you and what the food does to your body,
Firstly, a big mac, large fries and a large coke contains 1350 calories; that’s around 54% of the daily recommendation for a fully grown man- in one meal.
While we’re on the subject of Coca Cola; one can of the stuff contains 10 teaspoons of sugar 100% of your daily recommendation. In normal circumstances, this sweetness would