Ethos or ethics is something needed for people to believe in what the writer is talking about, because if there is someone who is talking about something they know nothing about it is not very convincing to the public. McKibben, who is from Vermont, as well as a writer, plus an environmentalist, shows us how we can be more aware of our surroundings. Using this article McKibben shows that he is like everyone else, a traveler who uses planes, trains, and cars, but he
Floess 2 is also aware that when looking into the future it is not looking too bright for the environment. McKibben talks about one of the best vacations that he had where he walked 10 miles to his friends’ houses for three weeks. In doing so he learned more about where he lived from his walking than he had in the five years that he spent driving it. With this McKibben is showing us that he is doing what he is preaching, he is not giving up traveling but he is trying to decrease his carbon footprint when he is traveling.
Everyone loves facts, because they back up
Cited: Mckibben, Bill “Global Warming and the Traveler’s World”, Travel +Leisure, Travel + Leisure, Jan 2012, web, December 3rd 2012