
Mcmurphy Character Analysis

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Unlike McMurphy, Chief Bromden is a follower and is also stuck comfortably in the safety of the ward’s fog. McMurphy on the other hand is a leader and is not in the stuck the fog in the mental ingestion, but is trying to get the others out of the comfort of the fog. An instance of such event, is when McMurphy refuses to clean during the afternoon and pulls up a chair, waiting for the baseball game, staring at a turned off TV screen. Slowly one by one the patient's pulled a chair up, waiting for the game, including Chief Bromden. Showing that McMurphy can or could lead the other patients out of the fog, and the Chief is slowly following. Another example of this is still relating to the baseball game, but when McMurphy is trying to get the patients to vote to watch the game. He strived to get one more vote …show more content…

They display their hatred towards the Big Nurse in different matters, McMurphy tries to confront Big Nurse directly, while the Chief sticks to himself. McMurphy stands up against the Big Nurse, when he got out of the shower and insisted to Big Nurse that that he did not have any clothes, nor was given anyway. He keeps claiming to the Big Nurse that he does not have any clothes and it almosts pushes her off the edge. In the end, he had his boxers underneath the towel the whole time. Chief Bromden on the other hand keeps his thoughts to himself, and describes the Big Nurse, “She slides through the door with a gust of cold and locks behind her and I see her finger trailed across the polished steel...she’s got a bag full parts she aims to use in their duties today--wheels and gears, cogs polished to a hard glitter, tiny pills that gleam like porcelain, needles…, rolls of copper wires…” (Kesey, 4). This is the first description the reader gets of the Big Nurse, creating the image that the Nurse is not friendly nor liked by some of the

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