around the globe.
In comparison to many of the other millennium development goals, Child Mortality is easily measured.
According to statisticians of the United Nations the goal of reducing by two-thirds the U5M (Under Five
mortality rate) will not be accomplished by 2015, but it is in my opinion that this is not a reason to call
this a failure. U5M has dropped worldwide from 11.9 million in 1990 to 7.7 million in 2010.
The plan to reduce U5M is through prevention of diseases by vaccination, improving the health system
of many countries, developing universal access to care, training qualified staff, promoting safer water,
and improving nutrition and hygienic environments. But the means have not been the best ones
because it could be said that the United Nations have tried to impose medicine and vaccination in
developing countries. Religious Leaders of Sub-Saharan countries encourage their people not to take
the vaccination or any of the health care given by the United Nations or any organization. These cultural
barriers inhibit access for the means necessary to save all the children that are dying every day.
Economics and MDGs are linked in two ways: Indirectly, through the growth of the country. And directly,
through certain elements of governance that affect the attainment of MDGs. Countries such as Egypt
have invested a lot of money in this particular millennium goal. But other countries such as Chad have
not been able to improve their U5M because they’re too busy fighting their ethnic conflicts, political
instability and the poverty that affects 80% of the population. As it has previously been said, the
connectedness between all the millennium goals is crucial. Actions to improve nutrition, gender