Type: Movie
Genre: social realism, American teen
The scandalous lives of a teenager was accurately portrayed throughout the movie ‘Mean Girls’ directed by: Mark Waters. The story follows a teenage girl named Cady Heron as she is starting her first day at high school after being home schooled in Africa for most of her life. Cady learns about the ins and outs of high school life and the cliques that are found throughout the school with the help of her two new friends Janice Ian and Damian. They inform her about the groups but warn her specifically of one group in the social strata; “The Plastics.” A group of girls that devote themselves to making the lives of others hell. Led by Regina George with the help of Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith they cause havoc throughout the school by creating a “burn book.” A book devoted to destroying the lives of others through gossip and rumours that had been heard.
I felt that this movie was very applicable to the the teenage life, because it shows the sociological issues that happen in schools, i used the burn book as a metaphor for the online life that teenagers get involved in today. The burn book was anonymous, and even when it was released into the high school with pages flowing everywhere i felt that it was very similar to the comments online that are floating in mid-air, threatening to be release the name of the writer and much like everything online, it can eventually be found out who is behind the gossip that are causing stress. I enjoyed watching the parts of the burn book because it had so many relatable points in there and i learned from it; that something from your past that you’re not proud of can be stored away and brought back up several years later no matter how hard you try to hide it. Although the book itself was malicious it proved how easily and quickly we stereotype people in our heads; geeks, nerds, losers, populars and the list goes on. We see the people they sit with