Mean Girls is a high school based comedy movie created in 2004. It is my personal favorite high school movie. The movie shows the cruel nature behind high school girls trying to reach popularity. Mean Girls is not a happy bubblegum and rainbow storyline like most high school movies; this is what makes this movie so unique. It also has good messages and moral stories. The popular girl does not always get the guy; sometimes the underdog or nerd wins and gets the guy. Some of the …show more content…
This movie is probably the best newer more modern high school movie I have seen. One thing that was ironic about this movie is that in this high school movie they watch The Breakfast Club another iconic high school movie. This is another high school movie known for its musical numbers throughout the movie especially their acapella numbers. Pitch Perfect is a very funny movie with really great actors and actresses. Pitch Perfect's well know tagline in the movie is “get pitch slapped”.
Remember the Titans is biography, sports, and drama high school movie. One major thing about this movie is it is not like most other high school movies because it is not really a comedy like most of them. Remember the Titans revolves mainly around sports and that sport being football. The fact that the movie is based of a true story makes it a more authentic high school movie. The most know tagline for Remember the Titans is a really inspirational qoute “Before they could win, they had to become