Another theory about motivation Fred Luthans said in 1986, “a process that starts with a physiological or psychological deficiency or need that activates behaviour or a drive that is aimed at a goal or incentive.”
Objective of Motivation:
In this chapter we have define some objective for motivation that are:
Process of Motivation
Theories of Motivation
Motivation Tools
Now, we will discuss about process of motivation. Motivation derives from needs and desire and it satisfy our goal and relief.
Needs: It is want or desire in normal words. Needs can be also defined as primary or secondary, depends upon situation.
In the theories of “Motivation” we 1st study about Maslow Hierarchy of Needs theory which was proposed by Abraham Maslow. The theory known as “Hierarchy of need theory” also.
Abraham Maslow defines his theory into five levels which are:
Physiological Needs
Security/Safety Needs
Social Needs
Esteem Needs
Self-Actualization Needs
Maslow defines these needs in a arranged way that is why its name is Hierarchy of need theory. It has been arranged by importance of hierarchical manner.
In the Motivation Tools we include some motivating factors which can be:
Job Security
Sympathetic Help
Personal Loyalty to Employees
Interesting work
Good Working Conditions
Tactful Discipline
Good Wages
Promotion and Growth in a Firm
Feeling of being in on things
Full Appreciation of work done etc.
These can be motivation tools by which we can motivate a people, in a organization an employee, working environment and our surroundings also.
Types of Motivation:
Here we can discuss about types of motivation which we can use to