February 20, 2010
Why Do Children and Schools Fail? The question I will attempt to answer within the context of “Brain-Based Learning” is “why are children and schools failing?” This very broad based question cannot be answered within a single context. There are various reasons why children fail to learn. There are neurological learning disabilities, psychological disorders, social pressures and distractions, study habits, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, and alcohol and drugs. Within the context of brain-based learning the first thing to look at is motivation. Why are students not motivated to learn? We have a tradition that has been defining teaching for the last one hundred years. A definition that is not limited to K-12 it extends into college. Many students do not know that they have the right to ask for anything other than what they are given. For the most part, they are the products of years of experience in schools where they were essentially told to sit down, shut up, listen, and learn - an experience that taught them that the teacher is the source of all knowledge and that learning is something magically injected into them at some point without their awareness. They rejected that voodoo education then, and they will reject it again. (Luce, 1990, para. 9) Learners whether they are in elementary school, secondary school or college have needs that are not being fulfilled. They want their individual needs met. They want teachers who recognize and treat them as human beings. Teachers who care about them, not just their test scores. They want to learn within modes that fit their own learning style. They want to be in an environment where they can learn from their peers. They want clear, complete explanations. They want the opportunity to have their questions answered. (Luce, 1990) Researchers have studied the issue of motivation.. Conclusions reached from the research points to the
References: Amrein, A. I., & Berliner, D. C. (2002). High-stakes testing, uncertainty, and student learning. Retrieved from http://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/viewFile/297/423 Anderlik, M Hart, L. A. (1996). Human Brain and Human Learning. Retrieved from http://www.thecenter4learning.com/html/resources/5principles.htm Jensen, E Luce, R. W. (1990). Motivating the unmotivated. Retrieved from http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/committees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/unmotiva.htm Lynch, L MacOdys, A. (2009). A natural learner, an unmotivated slacker, and thou. Retrieved from http://www.aylad.com/shreds/index.php/education/a-natural-learner-an-unmotivated-slacker-and-thou Maclean, D Susan, K. (1996). Intelligence is a Function of Experience. Retrieved from http://www.thecenter4learning.com/html/resources/5principles.htm