This chart contains a grid for different philosophical anthropologies that answer the question of personhood.
Complete the following chart in the context of defining what it means to be human according to Christianity, Materialism, and your own Personal View. Refer to the assigned reading for explanation of characteristics listed on the left.
Personal View
God created human beings to live in community. When people lose that sense of love and belonging, they lose their meaning and purpose in life.
God created family and the neighbor to be provide the human with the relationship needed for hope and healing.
In order to carry out production and exchange, people have to enter into very definite social relations, most fundamentally production relations.
Relationships with others should be based off of the materials in which they can provide you with the benefit a person the most.
I believe everyone steps into our lives for one reason or another- either good or bad and we need to be the ones to differentiate between the two.
Each relationship provides us with a sense of love and understanding on the purpose of our life.
There is a vibrant sense of the person in relationship to God and the world through the bodily senses and functions. The body, soul, mind, spirit and even the various body parts are expressions of the wholeness that is the human self.
Humans are material objects. They are not immaterial things, or objects, or substances; neither do they contain as parts immaterial selves or souls or entelechies. Their parts are material: flesh and bones and blood, molecules, atoms, electrons.
A human is more than a corpse. We are multidimensional and each dimension is important in who we are and how we act in society.
Jesus showed us that we are sexual beings.
Sexuality encompasses the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being.
Man and women are supposed to stay faithful
References: Plantinga, Alvin. (2010) Materialism and Christian Belief. Retrieved from Shelly, J., & Miller, A. (2006). Called to care: A Christian worldview for nursing (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic/Intervarsity Press.