Generally to alleviate is to make something less intense and severe. Therefore, poverty is defined relative to the standards of living in a society at a specific time. Relative poverty is an expression of the poverty of one entity in relation to another entity (De beer and Swanepoel, 2000, p.3) while absolute is the situation of being unable or only barely able to meet the subsistence essentials of food, clothing, and she1lter according to Todaro and Smith (2012, p.16).
Modern infrastructure construction in rural areas is vital in alleviating poverty for improving people’s standards of living. These infrastructure include development of irrigation facilities specifically the agriculture sector in order to increase yield per hectare through help of IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) to mobilize resources from other donors to finance this infrastructure investments1 while rural road construction helps people engage in favorable trade between various places whereas construction of proper housing and sanitation improves individuals living conditions. These
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