Table (3-2) The mechanical properties of steel and aluminum material.
Property of Material Modulus of Elasticity (E) Poisson's Ratio (υ) Yield Stress (σy) Tangent Modulus (ET)
Steel (304L) 197Gpa 0.3 0.312Gpa 10Gpa
Aluminum (1435) 69.5Gpa 0.3 0.13GPa 0.1Gpa
Coulomb Friction
The coulomb friction mode1 assumes that there is a tangential force applied along the tool-work piece interface proportional to the normal force as described by the equation
F_t=-μf_n t …………(3-33) Where Ft is the tangential force, μ is the coefficient of friction, fn is the normal reaction force and t is …show more content…
In this method, the stroke steps of the roller are defined explicitly over a time span. Within each step, several solutions (sub steps or time steps) are achieved to apply the displacement gradually. At each sub step, a number of equilibrium iterations are performed to obtain a converged solution. Before each solution, the Newton Raphson method evaluated the out-of-balance load vector, which is the difference between the restoring forces (the loads corresponding to the element stresses) and the applied loads. The program then performed a linear solution, using the out-of-balance loads, and checked for convergence. If convergence criteria were not satisfied, the out-of-balance load vector was re-evaluated, the stiffness matrix was updated, and a new solution was obtained. This iterative procedure continued until the problem converged. For 3D structure SHELL 181 element was used for work piece (blank). The tool set (mandrel, roller and blank holder) is modeled as rigid bodies. The contact procedure in ANSYS15.0 is used to make the interaction between the blank and tooling. For rigid (tool set) -flexible (blank) contact. 3-D 8-node quadrilateral target elements of TARGE170 were used to represent 3D target (tool set) which are associated with the deformable body (blank) represented by 3D 8-node contact elements of CONTA174. The contact and target surfaces constituted a "contact pair", which is used to represent contact and sliding between the unreformed surfaces (tool set) and deformed surface (blank). A spinning sheet metal forming model was created. For simplifying the simulation of the spinning sheet metal forming processes, the following assumptions are used in the analysis presented in this