Med 201
November 12, 2013
The skeletal system can suffer from a few diseases one of the most common ones is Osteoporosis another one is Osteogenesis imperfecta. Osteoporosis affects in a progressive way that deteriorates bone mass. Making the bones weaker lacking density and causing to have the deficiency on the bones protein intake this can bring about to the one who has it more vulnerable to skeletal fractures. Osteogenesis imperfecta disturbs the connective tissue or the ability of building it making the bones brittle in way more defenseless to wounds. Both this conditions are critical and need to be treated on the notion of knowing one suffers from them.
Osteoporosis is similar …show more content…
to Osteogenesis imperfecta in the way that they both affect the bones. But osteoporosis is developed more about how one’s lifestyle is like, by the way we eat or if there is exercise in our daily routine. This things can determined and help prevent the disease, especially for women in which is a more common condition. It also a sickness the elderly is found affected by as well. That why is known as a progressive defect it affects women and the elderly as they get older, in a woman is more when she enters the age of menopause, in this stage the intake of vitamin D and calcium becomes a primary thing for both woman and the elderly. Helping the bones get stronger is a main priority, because fractures are really critical while suffering from this.
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disease that a person is born with it comes from the deficiency of Type-I collagen.
Which is the main component of the connective tissue that gives the bones strength and support, but in this sickness is not found. This genetic disorder is extremely severed in the person that suffers from it and getting or fracturing them is very easily. They are 8 forms of this disorder, but the 2nd form being the deadliest, because it kills within the first year of life or at birth. For the baby might have severe bone deformity making hard to interior organs developed right. The other types have a lot in common but one is found in certain parts of other countries. Mostly pass down by a parent, but there are also cases that the defected is cause by a result of new genetic …show more content…
Signs & symptoms in Osteoporosis are not seen at first, they start showing on the person that suffers from it by a decrease in their height. Another way for them to find out if they have this condition would be the breakage of a bone or back pain the source of a collapsed vertebra. This all would be in gradual time for it to show. Osteogenesis imperfecta is much the opposite in presenting itself right at birth a doctor can tell if a child suffers from this disorder by a physical examination can show blue tint in the whites of their eyes. Other severe signs would be multiple bone fractures, deafness, bone deformation, poor muscle tone, and loose joints. This all consistent in all 8 types of this defect but in the 6 type it has a fish-scale appearance cause by a mutation in the Serpin F1. These symptoms are what both this sickness display on the ones that suffered from them.
Diagnosis in Osteogenesis imperfecta can be given if there is signs of fragile and easily breakage of bones other ways of given analysis of this disorder would be a skin test. The skin exam will tell how much mass and build of type I collagen there is in the anatomy of the person with the sickness. There is also a way to give a diagnosis for a baby before is born either by a chorionic villus sampling or an ultrasound that will show if the fetus has fractures bones. A way to give an analysis for Osteoporosis would be for a doctor to measure the bone density in their patients, there is also hip and spine x-rays that can be done as well a dual-energy x-ray that is consider the best test one can get to give a proper say in the matter. This the way one can find out if they suffer from one of these sicknesses.
Prognosis and treatment with both this diseases it simple because there is already a certain outcome and expectation in this cases, especially with Osteogenesis imperfecta in which at times the person suffering from it will die or if the fractures in their bones will lead them to move around in a wheelchair.
But there is also medicine an there is exercises like swimming that will help strengthen the muscle. Same with Osteoporosis exercising and especial diets but also some meds, depending the severity of it, a lot of the outcome to stabilize these conditions depend on the doctors and patients giving and searching for proper & adequate diagnosis. To get the proper treatment for the type of Osteogenesis and the stage Osteoporosis they