What is PD 223? * The creation of the Professional Regulation Commission
What is the date of approval? * June 22,1973
What amended PD 223? * PD 223 was amended by PD 657
What is RA 8981? * The PRC Modernization Act of 2000
What is the composition of the PRC? * One full-time Chairperson * Two full-time commissioners
What are the qualifications of commissioner of PRC? * At least 40 years of age * Holding a valid certificate of registration or professional license, and valid professional ID * Familiar with the principles and methods of professional regulation, and/or licensing * Has had at least five years of executive or management experience
What are the powers, functions and responsibilities of the commission? * To administer, implement and enforce the regulatory policies of the national government * To perform any and all acts, enter into contracts, make such rules and regulations and issue such orders and other administrative issuance * To review, revise, and approve resolutions, embodying policies promulgated by the Professional Regulatory Boards * To administer and conduct the licensure examinations of the various regulatory boards in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission * To admit the successful examinees to the practice of the profession or occupation * To have custody of all the records of the various Boards * To determine and fix the amount of fees to be charged and collected * To appoint subject to the Civil Service laws, rules, and regulations, officials and employees of the Commission necessary for the effective performance of its functions and responsibilities * To submit and recommend to the President of the Philippines the names of licensed/registered professionals for appointment as members of the various Professional Regulatory Boards * To approve the registration of and authorize the issuance of a certificate of