Course Code: OUMH1203
Course Title: English for Written Communication
Name: Ali Maseeh
Student ID Number: S12725781
Telephone: 7959787
Email address: iammaseeh@gmail.com
Lecturers’ Name: Zidhna Waheed
Learning Centre: Villa Collage, Fuvahmulah Campus
Trimester: May 2012
Details Page Numbers
Content 02
Pros and Cons of allowing death penalty in Maldives 3-5
Environment friendly and sustainable techniques for solid waste management in the Maldives 6-8
Importance of English Language for a Maldivian Student 9-11
References 12
Pros and Cons of allowing death penalty in Maldives
The death penalty or capital punishment is the sentence of death upon a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offence. In most of the Countries it applies only for aggravated murder and more rarely for felony murder. Countries like India, America and china grant the punishment for mainly heinous crimes, even as human rights activists continue to take bull by it and take as an issue.
About 20 years ago Maldives was one of the peaceful nations in the world. It was a time when there was extremely low crime rate. It was called as the Sunny side of life. The “Sunnyside” doesn’t only describe the sunny beaches it also meant that people can travel around the Maldives without any hesitation. It was the time when Maldivian had absolute neighborhood. People don’t need to lock their homes and spend thousands to secure their self and their wealth. It was like a perfect society. They lived like a family and spending good time with each other. Absolutely they did not have this much of wealth at that time, they were one of the least develop county in the world. Over the last decade everything has changed, crime rate has sky rocketed, gang fights, killing, stabbing, theft, rape, etc... Become as a daily activities. It is hard to pass a day without crime news. One of the main causes of this rapid increase is due to drugs and most of the citizens believe that this rapid increase it is due to the failure of implementing laws like death penalty. But death penalty is a controversial, thought some believe this is the ultimate solution, there are also people who are against this act, and their argument is that, it is against human rights.
Some peoples argue that giving death penalty for some crimes like murders is fit for crime. If someone violently murders another person, then it makes sense for the punishment to be death. Death is the main fear of people. Nobody fears to go to prison because prison is the place where criminals mentor each other on their criminal skills. For that nothing will put off criminal more than the fear of death. Mostly in Maldives people who commit crimes are same, putting them in prison, as opposed to executing them gives them a chance of parole. But implementing death penalty for big crimes will not give chance to criminal to committing another crime. Some of anti-death penalty campaigners argue that it is greatly to be feared that more often than we imagine an innocent man has been hanged. Circumstantial evidence is not reliable and though this facts generally admitted prisoners are free condemned upon evidence which the best legal expert admit to be essentially dubious. But today’s world has brought the new technologies like modern forensics and DNA testing make accuracy of proofs. So it is very unlikely for an innocent person to be put on death row. Moreover, the cost of serving a criminal for lifetime is very high and the government has to spend lot of money for serving them. Most of the people believe that the government has responsibility to ensure the safety of citizens. Therefore, that the government has to take strict actions against criminals. Death penalty is the most important action should be taken against murders.
Even though some people believe that death penalty should be implemented but there are some peoples who are arguing against it. They say that, there is always a possibility that innocent peoples are put on death without ever having committed a crime (Richard, 2007). In the Maldives there will be always failing in the judicial system and conviction. It can be viewed that, if the government keeps them in a prison with little freedom and poor quality life is better punishment to criminals then death row. Death penalty is considered as not deterrent because most of the people who commit murders do not expect to be caught. When crimes are planned, criminals concentrate on escaping detection, arrest and conviction. Therefore the threat of punishment will not discourage them because they are expecting to escape. In addition, murders are committed in moments of anger. At that situation they are not thinking about the penalty, they are thinking about the revenge.
Moreover, most countries now have a ruling of life without parole. Prisoners who are given this punishment will never be released. Thus, the safety of society can be assured without using the death penalty. Maldives also can rule like this, so innocent people can be safe, as well as society also will be safe.
In Islamic Sharia, death penalty is the punishment of a murderer and that he/her is to be killed in retaliation unless the victim’s next of kin let him off or agree to accept the ‘Diyah’ (blood money). If the God mandates the death penalty for murder, then we should have to do it whether it works or not. God says that it does work. It means if it is enforced it would bring down crime. God only made us and God knows rights of human beings. God never says anything to do against human rights. Maldives is a 100% Islamic country so that Maldives should have to implement death penalty for crimes like murder. God’s law is given for people welfare. If we want life, we must not jettison the law. If we want our country to be peace, we must cleanse the land of its blood defilement. According God, “blood defiles the land, and no atonement can be made for the land, for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it” (Numb 35:33). If we are not enforcing death penalty, it will be a critical issue for the future security of our nation. Maldives is an Islamic country there should not be any argument against implementing death penalty for crimes like murders.
Environment friendly and sustainable techniques for solid waste management in the Maldives
Solid waste is the useless solid materials produced from combined households, industrials and commercial activities in a given area. It may categorize according to origin of it or content of it. For example it can be categorized by domestic, industrial, construction or content of its like glass, metal, plastic paper etc. Sometimes it is categorizing according to hazard potential like toxic, non-toxin, flammable, radioactive, etc. solid waste impacts on the environment and human health and also it effects on improving the quality of life. Managing solid waste is very important to eliminate these effects. To manage solid waste effectively there are a number of process involved. This includes monitoring, collection, transport, processing, recycling and disposal.
However, around ninety percent of Maldives economy depends on tourism industry. Solid waste remains among the most visible environment threat to the tourism industry of Maldives. With highly dispersed population spread across numerous islands the scope for harnessing scale economy is limited and the cost for delivering service is too high. In addition, the space available is limited for disposing waste. Therefore it can be minimized through incentives for recycling and composting.
There are some environmental friendly methods to manage solid waste. Waste reduction, recycling and waste reuse are best ways of managing waste. There are many environmental benefits that can be derived from the use of these methods. They reduce green house gas emissions, reduce the release of pollutants, save resources, save energy and reduce demand for waste management technology and landfill space. Therefore it is very important that these methods to be adopted and incorporated as part of the waste management plan of the country.
Waste reduction and reuse the products are ways of waste prevention. They reduce the demand for large scale treatment and disposable facilities and eliminate the creation of waste at the source of usual generation. There are some of the ways which can reduce the waste. For example, Less packaging, encouraging the public to choose reusable products such as glass and some reusable plastic, encouraging customers to bring their own reusable bags for packaging, rather discharging unwanted items donate and share those things to others who can make use of that. In these methods it is must to get participation of the public. So public should be aware of these things. Therefore training, awareness programmers’ need to undertaken to educate the public about their role in this process. In addition, government may need to regulate the amount of packaging used by producers and make the reuse of shopping bags compulsory (pipatti, 2006).
Recycling is removing item from the waste and it used to be raw material in the production of new products. It occurs three phases, at first the waste is sorted and recyclables collected after that it can be used to create raw materials and finally these raw materials are used to manufacture new products. Sorting recyclables maybe done within the households or offices and selective collections to be dropped to recycling centers. It requires a public participation and support. A system of selective collection by the government can be expensive. It would require regular circulation of trucks within a neighborhood or importation of more vehicles to help the collection. Another option is to collect recyclable with mixing other general waste and then sorting of the recyclable materials to be done by the municipality at the appropriate site. The advantage of this method is eliminating the dependence of public and ensuring that it does occur. And the main disadvantage of this is mixing it with garbage can have effects on the quality of recyclable material. Therefore the value of materials is reduced.
Reusing defers using the items by repairing them, giving used items to others who need for that or sell it at cheap price (Bogner, 2007). If the product is possible for reuse, then it is better to reuse it instead of recycling. Because reusing the product does not need to be reprocessed before it can be used again. There are some methods which can use to reuse the waste products. For an example, reuse cloth napkins or towels, refill the plastic and glass bottles, donate old magazines or surplus equipment, reuse boxes, participate in a paint collection and reuse programs, etc. in many countries local solid waste reduction goals evolved reuse programs because it requires few resources, less energy and less labour compared to recycling. Reuse considered as a best environmental friendly choice to manage solid waste. Because it reduce air, water and land pollution. In other way reuse can be used as a critical way of getting needed materials to many disadvantaged populations that exist. Reusing can provide the cheap materials for poor people. In addition, reusing can be cost effective for the public and it benefit economy of the country.
In recent there has been significant increase in amount of waste management problems throughout the Maldives. Therefore the government can use the solid management systems like waste reduction, waste reuse and waste recycling. Although it needs the participation of the public for that government can do such things like awareness programs for public, give trainings. So that peoples them self can practice for some important waste management methods. Waste reduction and waste reuse is the simple and easy way for waste management. And with the public participation it will be easy to manage and reduce waste. Government can facilitate them in different ways. For example government can provide shops to sell used products.
Importance of English Language for a Maldivian Student
Importance of English cannot be ignored in today’s world. It is estimated that in 2015 half of the world’s population will be speaking English (Graddol, 1997). Because English is the most common language people used to spoke in all the counties. New technologies are developing in whole world. With the help of this English language is performing a main role in many sectors like education, medicine and engineering. Maldives is a developing country; therefore Maldives needs to make use of English language in order to show international power in education and in other important sectors. This can simply based on efficiency of tertiary education. Consequently, Maldives qualification authority regulated board has finalized a policy statement that mentions English standard of tertiary education. It is important in Maldives because of following reasons: finding a good quality job, to communicate internationally and students to access scientific sources in the major field.
To find a high quality job it is must to know how to speak in English language. As we know English is the most common language peoples used to speak in this global world. Especially good quality job needs the ability of good understanding and speaking in English. Therefore, it is easy for business organizations open out to other countries with the help of good speaking in English, and these companies normally employ graduates whose English is fluent. For an example, a student who is graduated from a college who studied English will definitely find a better job than other students who graduated without knowing English effectively. In other word, the student who studied better English is able to perform his job more effectively and efficiently. Because he can use the information from internet and also he can do research from internet in the different areas. Therefore the quality of the employee will be high and managers would like his effort. As a result labour market his demand will be high because of his performance. This happens because almost high quality jobs are connected with international communication and worldwide information exchanging. Those who works in a business like resorts and other international connected business, needs to communicate with foreign companies to gain the projects. To communicate them it is must to know how to speak good English. Moreover, sometimes employees have to participate in business ceremonies held in other countries; in these ceremonies also they can show their performance if only they know to speak English. Absolutely, all these things depend on speaking good English so it is very important to know English in order to get high quality job. Those who can’t speak in English may have lack of communication and they can earn less money.
Now a day it is very important to communicate with international world. This is a most important reason why a Maldivian student should know English. In these days the most important thing for graduates is to follow development in technology. This is a main reason why they have to learn a common language. Certainly, it is very important that students should not lose their interest in communicating with the world. However, in some countries some of university students can’t obtain English education in their university. Because of this, those students may lose their communication with international subjects and for them it will be very difficult to communicate with foreign people. To avoid these students from lacking of speaking English, this is a most important reason why Maldives Qualification Authority has made a standard for English language. In addition students can use some specific software used in computers with their English to communicate others. For an example, today internet is the largest source opened in whole world base on English information. By using internet a students can get any kind of information’s they want. And also most of the important software’s are based on English like “Windows”, “internet explorer” and “Microsoft office”. These programs are basic things for communication over computer. To do a simple research from internet or to find necessary information form internet we need these programs. If we don’t know English then it will be very difficult to be aware of all these things.
For the tertiary student it is very important to do research in related field during the education. In these researches they have to find information which is connected to their subject. To do this they have to use English websites and books. But they have to change this information to their projects. During in this information changing process if students know English, they will not have to face any difficulty to do this, but if they don’t know English even they may not use these information’s. As a result students who know English will score high marks and they will be more success in their projects. Because of this reason to avoid possible inequality between students, all the universities in all the countries should have to accept English as a second language in order to accessing information to the students. So in short we can say those who are in tertiary education should know English to access information and to do researches in different fields.
All in all, the education Maldives should be done with English for main there reasons. At first if the person knows English then it will be easy to find quality jobs and to performed in his job effectively and efficiently. Second reason is, after knowing English we can communicate with others internationally for different important uses. And the last thing I can say is, for tertiary students it is important to find information from internet and other English books. Make use of this it is must to know English. For many years English has been common international language and it will be in future. If we want follow trends, technology and new gadgets, innovation of the developing world we have to know English whatever age we are in.
Bogner, J. (2007). Waste Management . New York: Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel.
Graddol, D. (1997). A guide to forcasting the popularity of the english languate in 21 century. UK: The British Council. pipatti, R. (2006). Solid Waste Disposal. Finland: National Green House Inventories.
Richard. (2007). A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE:Americans’ Doubts About the Death Penalty. America: A Death Penalty Information Center.
Anonymous. (2012). Pros and cons of death penalty. Rerieved July 10, 2012, from iloveindia.com: http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/pros-and-cons-of-death-penalty-7039.html
Anonymous. (2008). Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty (Capital Punishment). Retrieved July 12, 2012, from scribd.com: http://www.scribd.com/doc/89390487/Pros-and-Cons-of-the-Death-Penalty-for-L2-Students
Anonymous. (2003). A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE:Americans’ Doubts Aboutthe Death Penalty. Retrieved July 13, 2012, from deathpenaltyinfo.org: http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/CoC.pdf
Anonymous. (2010). Waste Management. Retrieved July 01, 2012, from ipcc.ch: http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter10.pdf
Anonymous. (2019). Waste management in healthcare establishments within Jos Metropolis, Nigeria. Retrieved July 02, 2012, from ajol.info: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajest/article/viewFile/56295/44738
Anonymous. (2010). Importance of English Language, Importance of English. Retrieved July 02, 2012, from english-preparation.blogspot.com: http://english-preparation.blogspot.com/2010/07/importance-of-english-language.html
Anonymous. (2000). Anonymous. (2010). The future of English?. Retrieved July 03, 2012, from britishcouncil.org: http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-elt-future.pdf
References: Bogner, J. (2007). Waste Management . New York: Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel. Graddol, D. (1997). A guide to forcasting the popularity of the english languate in 21 century. UK: The British Council. pipatti, R. (2006). Solid Waste Disposal. Finland: National Green House Inventories. Richard. (2007). A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE:Americans’ Doubts About the Death Penalty. America: A Death Penalty Information Center. Anonymous. (2012). Pros and cons of death penalty. Rerieved July 10, 2012, from iloveindia.com: http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/pros-and-cons-of-death-penalty-7039.html Anonymous Anonymous. (2003). A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE:Americans’ Doubts Aboutthe Death Penalty. Retrieved July 13, 2012, from deathpenaltyinfo.org: http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/CoC.pdf Anonymous Anonymous. (2019). Waste management in healthcare establishments within Jos Metropolis, Nigeria. Retrieved July 02, 2012, from ajol.info: http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajest/article/viewFile/56295/44738 Anonymous Anonymous. (2000). Anonymous. (2010). The future of English?. Retrieved July 03, 2012, from britishcouncil.org: http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-elt-future.pdf