Many of my friends have chosen suicide to stay alive and now they think they’ve found a wife in any woman who can bring to life the emotion that this 21st century has made them suppress. Media portrayals of the 'ideal man' have ruined our men, and I'll say this over and over again. Us boys are playing dead to stay ahead of this game where emotions aren't permitted to run their course. So we run until our legs are pained, and we're forced to keep a poker face throughout the burn. As children should be seen and not heard, a mans burden should be buried and not learnt. My dad taught me to portray strength well, but my friend taught me that sometimes when you fall you cant help it. And that sometimes its okay for …show more content…
In certain instances when they're 'primed' (trigger, which means there's something there in the environment which gets them to think about a situation), those things which they've stored and learned from parents, peers and the media come out to the forefront and they act upon them.
Children are influenced by what (victor strassburger) is called the role modelling effect. Say you have a nail hammering it into the wall, you accidentally miss, hit your finger and say "Oh damn", your kid – or more likely in our case younger brother or sister will walk around saying 'oh damn, oh damn'.
As children grow, how they are influenced changes. The role modelling effect develops into the super peer theory. Teens are influenced by peers, and this theory suggests that the media becomes a type of 'super-peer' meaning it has a major influence on teens. Media portrayals of males as violent and aggressive, as emotionless and sex thirsty individuals exerts a certain influence on kids, they learn to believe that that is how they must …show more content…
I mean it would be, being taught for generations that there's certain emotions that they are expected not to embrace will do that to you. 'Stiffen you upper lip boy', 'Come on kid, big boys don’t cry'. Because of this conditioning its been necessary to stay alive. I'll admit that your generation of males and potentially mine – cant afford to be anything but the alpha male at all times. But they need to forget this idea. Our men need to be human again. We can initiate a positive change through education. In primary we had this program of poets come, they taught us ways to share our thoughts through writing. So I've seen first hand the impact of pumping free expression into schools, I've seen boys that have been very very angry learn to evaluate reassess and change their emotions. Systems like this could really help our men, and our society. Philosopher Plato said "men need to be educated" to make the right decision and explained that "the object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful". They need to "choose their path of life through careful examination". Even back then he knew men needed to change their approach of living. He said we should learn to be more like women, instead of being the aggressors, learn to show emotion. "Only then will we be free from the disease of masculinity". I also found from sites of therapy that to help our men we need to listen more, and encourage men to visit