“Media culture is a contested terrain across which key social groups and competing political ideologies struggle for dominance and . . . individuals live these struggles through the images, discourses, myths, and spectacle of media culture” -Douglas Kellner, Media Culture
Table of Contents
History of Media-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
Media Spectacle--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Douglas Kellner’s Contribution & Guy Debord’s Influential Analysis of Spectacle-------7
The Spectacle Form of Media Culture------------------------------------------------------------8
The Spectacle in the World of Business----------------------------------------------------------9
The World of Celebrities--------------------------------------------------------------------------10
The Madonna Phenomenon-----------------------------------------------------------------------10
The World of Politics------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
At the end of the twentieth century, society became more and more aware of the changes in communication technology. People began to see changes in communication between individuals, changes in how individuals and society communicated, and changes in communication between societies and cultures. This led to an understanding of human development. The ability to communicate with the help of symbols is one of the fundamental features that differentiate us from the rest of the