Media Review Assignment Weight: 20%
Due February 12, 2013
Purpose: As our class broadens its view to consider issues that affect us as a nation or even globally, we come to realize that when people feel strongly about an issue, they speak out. However, artists and audiences might wonder, are these creative expressions of feeling really effective in conveying their messages and raising awareness? This assignment requires you to think critically a social commentary or protest made through music OR documentary film.
You may respond to THREE PROTEST (SOCIAL COMMENTARY) SONGS. Select three songs, current or historic, that express concern about a social issue and argue a distinct point of view. Do your …show more content…
Select a documentary that explores a social problem, such as conflict, corporate greed, environmentalism or discrimination (a list of possible films is included below). Watch your chosen film and answer the questions below to comment about how effective its argument was. You will need to use specific quotations from the film, so preview the questions and keep notes as you …show more content…
An Inconvenient Truth. Davis Guggenheim, director. (2006) 100mins – follows the American politician Al Gore’s campaign to increase public awareness about global climate change.
Food, Inc. Robert Kenner, director. (2009) 91 mins – an examination of the food industry, its advances and challenges, in modern America. [available through Mohawk Library]
The Greatest Movie Ever Sold. Morgan Spurlock, director. (2011) 90mins – an exploration of how corporate influence, product placement and brand recognition has changed filmmaking and film-watching.
Who Killed the Electric Car? Chris Paine, director. (2006) 93 mins – an exploration of the corporate and political forces that oppose a widespread release of an eco-friendly car. [available through Mohawk Library]
Zero Tolerance. Michka Saäl, director. (2004) 75 mins – an exploration of the struggles between police and minority youth in Montreal, and the underlying prejudices that feed them.
Protest songs - where to find