The 12 year old brother had triggered and shot the 8 year old younger brother while playing with their father’s gun. Up on asking the 12 year old, he mentioned they were acting out what they had seen on television a night before. A person tends to adapt what one sees and the media engraves images into ones’ mind, so they think it is the norm although, it is an absurd idea. Kids are generally influenced by the media. The American Academy of Pediatrics, Testimony before the U.S. Commerce Committee: “Before age 8, children cannot discriminate between real life and fantasy. Onscreen violence is as real to them as violence that they witness at home or in their community. From childhood’s magical thinking and impulsive behavior, adolescents must develop abstract thought and social controls to prepare them to deal with adult realities. If this development process occurs in a violent environment, it can become distorted. Media, with which children spend more time than their parents or teachers, have great potential for shaping the hearts, minds and behaviors of America’s young people- and we need to take this potential very seriously.
Media violence has increased the number of violent activities and tends to engraved violent images into one’s mind which leaves behind a blur vision of reality and fictional thoughts that are mainly created by television and the violence shown on it, movies, the sexual content displayed on television and movies, video games, and the web that includes the internet and primarily rap music. ARGUMENTS:
1) Video games- encouraging violent behaviors.
2) TV – cartoons, movies with criminal activities. (Terrorist attacks, molestations, rapes, robberies, murders.)
3) Sex violence- the sexual activities have led to an increase in teen pregnancies and more sexual relations.
4) The web- internet videos (cyber bullying, pornography, violent movies, youtube movies for criminal