Click on The Nature of Stem Cells to answer the following questions.
1.) Compare a stem cell and a specialized cell. Specialized cells carry out specific functions. These specialized cells are called differentiated cells. On the other hand, a stem cell is undifferentiated. Its role in the body is not yet determined. A stem cell can give rise to multiple cell types, including many stem cells.
2.) Describe a blastocyst. The blastocyst looks like a lopsided hollow ball. The cells around the outside of the ball will form the placenta. A clump of cells on the inside will form all the cells of the body.
3.) Two weeks after fertilization the cells organize into how many layers? 3 layers
What triggers this organization? Cells signals restrict the potential of these cells even further. Each layer will give rise to a different set of cell types.
4.) Describe what each layer forms- Ectoderm- skin, nervous system, and parts of the face and neck Mesoderm- muscle, blood, blood vessel, and the beginning of bones and connective tissue Endoderm- digestive and respiratory tracts and the glands that feed into them, including the pancreas and the liver
5.) Another name for adult stem cells is Somatic.
Describe their function. Somatic cells play an important role in growth, maintenance, and repair.
6.) Compare embryonic and somatic stem cells. Somatic stem cells differ from embryonic stem cells: under natural conditions, they can give rise to just a few cell types.
7.) Besides bone marrow where are the somatic stem cells found? Somatic stem cells have been found in many other tissues, including brain, blood, blood vessels, muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, and liver.
Click on Reversing Cell Differentiation to answer the following questions.
1.) Describe what scientists were able to do in 2006. In 2006, scientists reported that they had turned a differentiated cell back into a stem cell with the potential to become any type of cell in